In this time of Tariff uncertainty, we want to assure all of our US and Canadian customers that any imposed Tariffs will be absorbed by Coaster Factory
All prices are inclusive of Tariffs. Thank you to all of our valued customers.

Variable Printing

We can provide custom printing on your coasters based on your own specifications, so that each coaster has a unique message.

Variable Printing, sometimes also referred to as Personalized Printing, or Selective Printing, has proven to be an effective marketing tool in capturing the attention of target audiences.

Based on your own specifications we can provide customized printing so that each coaster has its own unique message. For example, instead of producing 25,000 coasters delivering just one message, variable printing gives you the power to print 25,000 coasters each with their own unique message (numerical or alphanumerical) on each individual piece. Variable printing has a tremendous amount of value to the direct marketing world where personalized targeting is key. Another common use is for contests where a unique code is required to enter into a draw for a prize.

Variable Printing
  • Research shows that the use of Variable Printing techniques contribute to increased response rates, revenue, and business improvement.
  • Variable printing can be used to personalize coasters from a contact list, to serialize products, or offer identifying codes for various purposes. The most popular use of variable printing is used in conjunction with a contest or giveaway program.
  • Another form of variable printing is called selectable, where the coaster has defined parts that are static and other parts that are variable, keeping sections of the coaster common on all pieces and specializing others for each customer. Variable objects could include text, images and graphics.
  • Consider our Scratch-n-Win (insert URL link) option if you need to conceal a special code, message or prize offering. Like a lotto ticket, this is a great idea for contests where a hidden code and/or message is revealed underneath by scratching a specific area of the coaster. The unique codes/messages on each coaster can be alphanumeric, but it could also be a short phrase like "Thanks for trying" or "You are a winner!" or it could be a barcode or symbol.
  • Selectable printing can be used for a variety of direct response applications and is a great way to make your coaster interactive and fun.
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